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Tuesday, 20 September 2011



  Have you been able to find out who you are?It is very necessary if you are interested in leaving any mark behind you before  your final day on earth approaches.I am addressing those who share this strong feelings of leaving something for posterity with me.If up till moment,you have not seen anything important in this talk,do not bother your pretty head because probably, you belong to the third category of people I talked about in my last post.You came to this earth to watch the events of this earth as they pass by and probably does not have anything in your beautiful  brain to offer and evidently do not want to bother that your fragile brain.Its a matter of choice.
      To you out there who are so desirous,if you have found your purpose,do not relent in pursuing it until you accomplish it.To those who are interested,start now!It is not late until you are dead.You are still alive.Leave your comfort zones.Do something now!Think of something to do.Do not waste your whole life sleeping.Dig!Dig!!Dig!!!It is in you.Everyone has got a talent deposited somewhere in them by the Almighty father.We are all creators like our God.All you have to do is to discover it.Do not die with this talent.It is a total waste!

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